Training Services
Yellow Research training services are focused on workshops or live Webinars for a group of researchers, individual clinics screening the project idea and CV of the candidate and interview trainings.
Workshops / Webinars
Yellow Research hosts workshops informing potential applicants on the objectives, evaluation criteria and writing instructions of a specific funding scheme. Other types of training such as Master classes (12-20 participants), and career workshops can also be organized.
Besides organizing ”plenary workshops”, accessible for researchers and support staff from any institute, Yellow Research also hosts workshops for individual universities (“in-house workshops”).
The “plenary workshops” are joined through online registration. For an overview of the upcoming “plenary workshops”, please visit our homepage. If you’d like to receive notifications about which “plenary workshops” are available for registration, please register for our newsletter here
The “in-house workshops” are organized by the host institute. The host institute determines who and how many are attending a workshop, invite the researchers and support staff and (if required) hire a room and a beamer and/or facilitate the ICT platform suitable for live webinars.
We provide half day workshops for more experienced applicants and whole day workshops for less experienced applicants.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Yellow Research ran the “plenary” and “in house” workshops on location, either at the Yellow Research premises (Amsterdam) or at the host university.
Please note that, at the moment, the vast majority of our workshops are offered through live Webinars.
All our workshops are subject to our terms and conditions
Individual clinics
Yellow Research offers individual clinics to potential applicants of research grant proposals. The applicant obtains feedback on the 1) eligibility of the PI, 2) quality of the CV and – if required – advice on potential improvements and 3) the project idea and to what extent the idea addresses the objectives of the funding programme.
To enable these clinics the applicant is requested to provide a CV and a 1-2 pages project description. A clinic with a potential applicant lasts on average 45-60 minutes.
A clinic can be in person if these events are organized in conjunction with an in-house training or via Zoom / Skype or telco.
Interview trainings
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we offer individual interview trainings via Skype / Zoom consisting a 2-3 individual sessions.
Typically, the training consists of several consecutive modules, which may include a group training session, an individual intake, the actual interview training and a final session or final feedback. Yellow Research has developed dedicated training material for ERC interview candidates which will be accessible for all course participants and support staff.
Usually, the actual interview training takes about 1 hour and includes the presentation by the applicant followed by possible questions and answers according to the panel / committee instructions. Furthermore, the trainer provides feedback on the narrative, the slides as well as on presentation skills.
Preparations for the training include sharing of the research proposal, panel specific Annex 1 and draft presentation.
All Yellow Research training activities are subject to our terms and conditions
The handling of personal data as well as proposal documents are subject to our privacy statement