Booking Terms & Conditions

Booking Terms and Conditions for Yellow Research Training activities


Article 1. Scope

These Booking Terms and Conditions apply for Yellow Research training courses.


Article 2. Reservation and Cancellation of a training course

2.1 A reservation for a course can be completed directly via e-mail (institution) or by submitting an online Booking Form (individual applicant)– when booking via our online training platform.

2.2 A place at a course or the organization of a course hosted by an institution is guaranteed after either a confirmation is received via email, or an online Booking Form is submitted. Yellow Research has the right to remove double reservations, e.g. reservations under the same name on equivalent courses or the same event/date.

2.3 If a participant is unable to attend a booked course, they may:

  1. Be replaced by a colleague who can attend in their place, as long as Yellow Research is informed of the change via email at <yrcourses[at]yellowresearch[dot]nl> at least 24 hours prior to the course date; or
  2. Reschedule to another course date, if the same/equivalent event is scheduled on different dates, provided that the alternative course date is not yet fully booked; or
  3. Cancel the booking by informing Yellow Research via email at <yrcourses[at]yellowresearch[dot]nl> at least 24 hours before the course takes place. We will refund any fees paid within 30 days after receiving the cancelation, but we will withhold the following amounts:
  • €75, if the booking is cancelled within 14 to 8 calendar days before the course date;
  • 50% of the course fee, if the booking is cancelled within 7 calendar days before the course date.
  • No refund shall be given if the booking is canceled less than 24 hours before the course date or when the participant has joined in the training course.

2.4  If an institution is unable to host a booked course, they may:

  1. Reschedule to another date, provided that the new date can be accommodated in the trainer’s calendar; or
  2. Cancel the booking by informing Yellow Research via email at <yrcourses[at]yellowresearch[dot]nl> or directly by the trainer of the course before the course takes place. We will charge the following amounts:
  • 25% of the course fee, if the booking is cancelled within 14 to 8 calendar days before the course date;
  • 50% of the course fee, if the booking is cancelled within 7 to 4 calendar days before the course date.
  • 100% of the course fee, if the booking is canceled less than 3 calendar days before the course date.

2.5  Yellow Research reserves the right to cancel the course if unforeseen circumstances make cancellation necessary, e.g. illness of the trainer or changes in Covid-19 restrictions/measures. In that event, Yellow Research will propose an alternative solution which may include alternative dates. Yellow Research cannot be held liable for any losses incurred by a participant or organization in these circumstances – which would include e.g. costs related to cancelling flights/hotel reservations.

2.6 By submitting an Online Booking Form or an email confirmation, the participant/institution confirm their intention to attend/host the course, that these conditions are accepted, and that the course fee has become due. 

2.7 The participant/institution will receive an invoice from Yellow Research after submission of the Online Booking Form or email confirmation, which will include the specifications for payment.


Article 3. Consumer rights

3.1 The details of the participant or legal entity and department responsible for paying the invoice for the training course should be completed on each Booking Form or informed via email.

3.2 If a participant pays personally for the costs of the course, the invoice will be issued personally and the participant will be considered a consumer pursuant to Directive 2011/83/EU. The consumer participant is entitled to a longer reflection period for canceling a course reservation than that described in Article 2. The participant thus will have a reflection period of 14 days from the booking date, during which they may cancel the booking without further liability by informing Yellow Research via email at <yrcourses[at]yellowresearch[dot]nl>. We shall refund any advanced payments received for the training course within 14 days upon cancellation, unless the participant has already participated in the course.


Article 4. Confidentiality

During the course, participants may be party to confidential information of others e.g. details of a project that another candidate plans to submit or submitted for funding. Any such information must be treated with strict confidentiality and shall not be shared with others outside the training course unless it is clear that the information is in the public domain or is made public by the candidate who shared it in the first place. 


Article 5. Intellectual Property of the course material

5.1 The copyright of the training material as disclosed in hard copy or digitally by Yellow Research belongs to Yellow Research. Participants have the right to use the material and ideas pertained in it for writing their own grant proposal and / or to advise researchers from their institution how to write a grant.  

5.2 Participants and institutions shall refrain from reproducing and/or distributing Yellow Research training materials at all times, unless for purposes approved in writing by Yellow Research.


Article 6. Complaints

6.1 Complaints regarding the training or consultancy services offered by Yellow Research may be submitted by email to Lotte Jaspers at <jaspers[at]yellowresearch[dot]nl>. Lotte will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within three working days and inform you who within Yellow Research will be handling your complaint.

6.2 We will log every complaint in a Complaint Log. Each complaint and the handling thereof will be kept in the Complaint Log for a period of five years from the date the complaint was reported to Yellow Research.

6.3 Complaints shall be handled within four weeks of the first notification and will be treated confidentially.

6.4  If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of how we have handled your complaint, you may submit the complaint for further settlement to:

  • As an Institution, you shall submit your complaint to the Amsterdam District Court.


  • As a Consumer (cf. Article 3), you shall submit your complaint to De Geschillencommissie Particuliere Onderwijsinstellingen. In accordance with the Committee’s procedures for handling claims, complaints should be submitted in writing to:

De Geschillencommissie

P/O Box 90600

2509 LP  Den Haag

The Netherlands



6.5  Any decision in accordance with cf. 6.4 will be binding to the parties and Yellow Research will promptly follow up on any such decision.

6.6  For Dutch and Flemish clients, the Complaints Procedure will be conducted in Dutch or in English as requested by the complainant. For all other clients, the procedure will be conducted in English.

6.7  Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the liability of Yellow Research will in no event exceed the training fee paid or due to Yellow Research in relation to the booking.


Article 7. Dutch Law

7.1 These Booking Terms and Conditions and any services of Yellow Research related thereto shall be governed by the laws of The Netherlands, without regard to conflict of law provisions.

7.2 The General Terms and Conditions of the Dutch Council of Training and Education (NRTO)[1] are applicable to our Booking Terms and Conditions.

7.3  In case of inconsistency between our Terms and Conditions and those of NRTO, the following applies:

  1. Where the NRTO General Terms and Conditions provide better conditions to you, the provisions of the NRTO General Terms and Conditions prevail;
  2. Where these Booking Terms and Conditions provide more favorable provisions to you, these Booking Terms and Conditions prevail.

[1] Found at